How do I retrieve my password?
1. Go to HOME
3. Enter your email address
5. Your password will be emailed to that email address.
Check your junk email if you do not immediately see it. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CREATE A SECOND ACCOUNT. Email or call our office if you need more assistance.
How do I create an account to use this system?
Before you begin make sure you do not already have an account! If you are not sure contact us for assistance. To create a new account:
- From the HOME page, click the Create an Account button.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Password. Your password must be at least 8 characters long. It can be a letters, numbers, characters or a combination of those.
- You are registered and may now go to Course Registration to view available course offerings and register for courses.
How do I change my password?
- Once logged in, go to My Records, Personal Info.
- Click the Change Password button at the bottom of the page.
- Enter your current password, your new password, and enter your new password again. Note: A new password must be at least 8 characters long. It can be letters, numbers or characters; or a combination of those.
- Click Change Password.
You are done. Be sure to save your new password in a safe location.
How do I register for a course?
Go to Course Registration. Click the REGISTER button to proceed. There are three (3) types of register buttons:
This will take you to another system where you will register for this course. No records of your registration for this course are maintained on our system. These courses are listed here for your convenience.
This is a single session course. Click the Register button and proceed.
. This is a multiple session course. Click the button to view sessions. Click the check box for each session you will attend. Then click the REGISTER button at the bottom.
Follow the on screen instructions to complete the registration process.
Is there HELP information on the screens as I use the system?
YES! Look for the blue info icon  located on the right side of each page. Click this to open the detailed help instructions for that page. You may click and drag these instructions around on your screen. Click the X to close the instructions. You should find these instructions to be very detailed and helpful.
How do I access and print a clock hour report for a completed course?
- Go to My Records, Reports.
- Click into the drop down box and select the Individual Course Clock Hour report.
- Click Preview. . Watch for a pop-up blocker that you may need to clear to view the report.
Note: If your attendance has not been verified AND/OR you have not completed the evaluation for this course, you will not see this course in the list. To complete an evaluation, go to My Records, My Courses. If you have completed an evaluation a green icon will appear for that course in the EVAL column. If you have not then either 1) the course end date has not occurred or 2) you did not complete the evaluation by the required due date and you will not be eligible to receive clock hours for this course.
How do I find courses to register for?
Go to COURSE REGISTRATION . Available courses display on the screen. You may use one of these options to locate specific courses.
- COURSE ID. If you know the course ID, simply enter it into the ID field.
- CALENDAR. Click a date or drag over dates to search by course start date.
- CRITERA SEARCH. Click into a drop down box to search by that item (Category, Instructor, Building Specific, Intended Audience, Grade Level or Course Content.).
- KEY WORD. Type a key word in the ID [Course Number], Start Date, Title or Location fields.
Click the CLEAR SEARCH button to clear search options and start a new search.
What are the requirements to obtain clock hours for a course?
The course must be offered for and you must complete a minimum of three (3) hours.
You must complete an evaluation for the course.
Your attendance must be verified, which confirms the number of hours you attended/participated.
For your information, the evaluation can be completed in My Records, My Courses.
Who do I contact for assistance?
Bainbridge Island School District, Professional Development
8489 Madison Ave NE
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Office: 206-780-1054
Email: prodev@bisd303.org
How to I register to be an instructor?
Click on the My Records-Personal Information tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box indicating you would like to register as an instructor. Then press save my personal information. Another tab will be added to your Records - Instructor Information. Complete the required fields on that screen and then press Save instructor information.